Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.


Human Rights

The employees of this company are, in principle, assigned personnel from Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and are subject to Nomura Real Estate’s personnel system and the policies formulated by the parent company Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.

Nomura Real Estate Holdings' Approach and Policies, Management

The Nomura Real Estate Group performs important processes from materials procurement to civil engineering, building construction, repair construction, and so on with the cooperation of various suppliers including design and construction companies, contractors, and their service providers. Accordingly, the Nomura Real Estate Group supports and respects international norms on human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights, which sets forth common standards to be achieved by all people including the right to life, freedom of speech and expression, right to work, right to education, and right to live a civilized life; the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which specifies fundamental rights in labor (the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, prohibition of compulsory labor, effective elimination of child labor, and elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation); and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which set guidelines for actions to be taken by companies to protect the human rights of children, and Children's Rights and Business Principles, which show the actions that should be taken by companies to protect children’s rights. In addition, we aim to conduct business by complying with laws and regulations on human rights in each country in which the Group conducts business activities. In addition, the Group has signed the UN Global Compact to further enhance its human rights initiatives. The Group supports the Global Compact's principles of "support and respect the protection of human rights" and "not to be complicit in abuse of human rights," and works to respect human rights and avoid infringing on the human rights of others.

Human Rights Training for Group Officers and Employees

Rank-Specific Training

To deepen understanding on human rights, the Group makes use of opportunities such as rank-specific training to conduct human rights education. In addition, the Harassment Prevention Guide is distributed to all employees to inform personnel about the prohibition of discrimination and harassment and other matters. The Guide contains provisions requesting understanding of and consideration for LGBT* individuals.

*LGBT: An initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. A general term for sexual minorities.

Responses to Human Rights Issues (Human Rights Due Diligence)

Initiatives for Respecting Human Rights

The Nomura Real Estate Group is promoting an initiative involving the creation of a framework for avoiding infringing on human rights of others, such as forced labor and child labor. Based on its CSR Procurement Guidelines, which were formulated in fiscal 2018, the Group continues to request business partners to also respect human rights. In fiscal 2019, the Group again participated in the Human Rights Due Diligence Study Group for a second consecutive year. In its human rights risk assessment, the Group identified two particularly important human rights issues in relation to the Group’s business: Accommodating foreign technical interns, and community problems involved in the procurement of wood materials.

Consultation/reporting on human rights issues

The Group has set up the Nomura Real Estate Group Human Rights Desk as a point of contact for consultation on human rights issues which is accessible to all employees regardless of employment status, and the Power and Sexual Harassment Hotline as an external point of contact for consultation. In addition, the Group established the Nomura Real Estate Group Helpline as a point of contact for whistleblowing and consulting on human rights abuses and corrupt practices by Group employees that are prohibited by the Group’s Code of Ethics. In addition to this internal helpline, the Group has also established an external point of contact (lawyers and external contractor).
Meanwhile, the Group established the Helpline for Business Partners (Corporate Customers) as a point of contact for reporting on actual or potential human rights abuses by our Group employees. Reports and consultations received through these points of contact are accepted anonymously, while systems established based on the Whistleblower Protection Act ensure protection for persons reporting to the Nomura Real Estate Group Helpline. If investigations reveal that there has been a clear violation of respect for human rights, the Group takes appropriate action against the perpetrator to prevent similar incidents, while the risk is disseminated or cautioned against in training according to necessity. In addition, the Group protects the victim and whistleblower so that they are not treated prejudicially for having made a report.